Pyrgos House – Kythira Greece

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Mylopotamos – Heaven on earth

Last week, I took several groups on the guided ‘Watermill Walk’ near Mylopotamos. It is one of the most surprising walks on Kythira. At this time of the year, the waterfalls are at their best, the beautiful blue dragonflies are dancing above the rippling water and sunlight is being filtered by the plane tree leaves. The walkers were all excited, especially when they saw the turquoise coloured lake at the last waterfall. Many took a refreshing dip in the chilly water and they could not stop taking pictures. The whole scene was a true heaven on earth. After the strenuous climb out of the valley we arrived at Kato Chora’s Venetian Castle and enjoyed stunning views of the west coast. Full of happy memories we relaxed on one of the terraces of Mylopotamos square. Wow, what a day!

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